

I can't wait for my winter vacation ☆

I'm going to have some year end party
with my friends from high school, uni and my family.

And also, my friends from uni and i
are planing to go snowboarding trip.
I love snowboarding so much!!
so, I'm really exciting about that from now :)

While i was in Canada, I went snowboading
like three times in one winter.
I want to go that times, if i can <33

But I'm just wondering, if i can't do well...
I haven't went snowboarding for a long time,
so, I'm out of practice now :(

But, plans are made to be changed LOL
so, I still don't know yet.
i only know is it's going to be fun for sure :c)


meaning of being an adult

People in Japan think when people turn the age
of 20 years old, then they are regarded as an adult.
from then, people can smoke, can drink alcohol
and can vote in an election.
next year, I will get various rights when we turn 20.

but what exactly is the meaning of being an adult??

i think the point is not the age.
even people aged 20 and older,
sometimes don't look like grownup.
i mean..not about the looking, but inner.
i don't wanna be like that,
so i will continue lifelong learning to be an adult.

earliest memory

when i was 3 years old, my parents and i
went to Tokunoshima to see my grandparents.
Tokunoshima is where my dad grew up.

i usually visit there twice a year.
that island, Tokunoshima is located near Okinawa.
so, there is beautiful clear ocean and
it's warm all through the year like Hawaii.
i really love to be there.
people are not russhing like in Osaka,
i feel like time slows down there.

i used to love playing on the beach with sand,
so my parents took me to the beach.

it was really hot day, so my dad started to swim
in the sea, but then i saw my dad was like..
getting gone from my sight!
so i just screamed
"dad! don't go! it's dangerous! you will die!"

but i didn't even know what the sea is.
i thought wave was taking my dad away
from me..maybe..

but after that, ive never been afraid of the sea.
and started to like playing marine sports so much :)